Say you have some junk to get rid of and you need to contact a junk removal company to get the job done. There are a couple of choices. Either A.) rent a dumpster of B.) let the company come out and remove the junk for you. Ultimately the choice is up to you but we wanted to present some information to help make a more educated decision so you won’t look back and regret the choice you made.
The first factor to consider when deciding between the two services is how much junk you have to remove. All things being even renting a dumpster is almost always cheaper than junk removal services. But there are cases when a dumpster could be cheaper. Such as if you have large quantities of junk or debris. Another factor to consider is how fast you need the items cleared out. I you are unsure of the project end date (such as with renovations) renting a dumpster is typically best. Or even if you just need to take your time or the junk isn’t organized and you need to decide if it needs tossed as you go. That is when it would be ideal to rent a dumpster.
Again, going back to how much junk you have factors greatly into your decision. If you only have a small number of items that wouldn’t fill a dumpster, or just 2-3 bulky items that need to go, junk removal services are your best bet. This is especially true if you can’t handle these large items on your own and need help with them. It’s also the faster of the two services with same day service usually available. Something else to consider here is if you have room for a dumpster rental or not. If you live in the city and have no space or driveway to keep a dumpster for weeks a time junk removal can come in handy. Another point to keep in mind here is that if you’re environmentally conscience junk removal can be your best friend. Most junk removal services have a recycling program where your old items can be recycled and reused instead of taking up landfill space.
There are multiple considerations you need to think about when trying to get rid of your junk. If you still can’t decide which option is best for you please give us a call and we can walk you through your best option. Because we offer both dumpster rental services and junkcremoval services we are able to better point you in the right direction. You can also visit our website page for more information on our services!